Conference "Explore USA"

Conference "Explore USA"






Grand hotel Milenium, Sofia

Grand hotel Milenium, Sofia

Description of the event


  • multiple sectors


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American University in Bulgaria

Sector: NGO
Main activity: образователни услуги
Product/service: Graduate programs, EMBA

Synergy Simulation and Training

Sector: Information technology activities, Research and development
Main activity: production, distribution, services, Simulation and Training
Product/service: simulation, simulators, training, 3D modeling, Virtual reality, Agumented Reality, XR


Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: distribution
Product/service: Дистрибуция и консултанство

Lavena Merchandising Ltd.

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: distribution, trade
Product/service: Maternea


Axxon Bulgaia JSC

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Wet wipes -Event; Shoe care - Kazablanka

Morava balm EOOD

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: безводна козметика


Sector: Manufacture of vehicles, except automobiles, Information technology activities, Research and development, Transport, logistics and dispensation, innovation, start up
Main activity: production, services, Transportation, Aviation, Logistics, E-commerce
Product/service: World's first cargo drone airline, (350 kg at 2,500 km), partner of DHL and Fortune 500 companies

Алпи комерс ООД

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: карамелажни бонбони

Bilka Lifestyle ltd

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: cosmetic products

Патеев ООД

Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Дрехи втора употреба

Astea Solutions AD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Web development services


Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel, Production of clothing
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: clothing

Perfect Plus Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities, Research and development
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: ICT

PlayBox Technology Europe

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: subtitling and digital assets management for multimedia companies


Sector: innovation, start up
Main activity: services
Product/service: A platform which connects IT freelancers from Eastern Europe with great companies accross the world.

Online Services ltd

Sector: Information technology activities, innovation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Разработка на търговски и складов софтуер

И Ар Пи България

Sector: Information services
Main activity: Разработка на софтуеър
Product/service: ERP Software

Eniak Ltd

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: IT services

Mellifera AD

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: MelliGEL organic honey energy gel

Electron Progress EAD

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: integration systems

Стар Нейлз - България ООД

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: козметика


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Text recognition and NLG models, based on machine learning and AI

Аутомотив клъстер

Sector: NGO
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: НПО

Thingslog Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Industrial IoT solution


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Activities auxiliary to financial services and Insurance
Main activity: services
Product/service: Software and product development


Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, innovation
Main activity: distribution, trade, services, MEDICAL SERVICE
Product/service: medical service ,products


Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Investment consulting

Telelink Business Services

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: ICT
Product/service: ICT products and services

Mellifera JSC

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: pure and flavored honey; honey-based sports nutrition

Consulting Marketing Analytics

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: управление на човешките ресурси


Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production
Product/service: bandsaw blades

М-консулт 33 ЕООД

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Консултации и управление на проекти

Абритес ЕООД

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: разработка на софтуер и производство на хардуер за МПС

Telerik Academy

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: IT Education

Арома вълна

Sector: Information services
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Cosmetics

СИС Индустрис ООД

Sector: Manufacture of beverages, Production of grape wines, Production of other fermented beverages
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Широка гама от алкохол и вина

М Холдинг

Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Облекла

Novel Law

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: legal services


Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: natural cosmetics, essential oils, floral waters

Софтгруп АД

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Продукти и услуги за сериализация и проследяване на продукти за фармацевтичните производители


Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: козметика


Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: Транспорт и логиситка
Product/service: Logistics services

Prado Bulgaria Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Consulting, innovation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Digitalisation consultancy

Българска консултантска организация ЕООД

Sector: multiple sectors
Main activity: services
Product/service: консултантски

Georgiev and Petrov Law Firm

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Legal Services in multiple areas

Еснафи ЕООД

Sector: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: сувенири и изделия от дърво за дома

Yazaki Bulgaria EOOD

Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment
Main activity: production
Product/service: wire harnesses

Soapfactory Ltd.

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Soaps, shampoos, face and body products


Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Туристическа услуга

Penkov, Markov & Partners

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Law firm

Eurobank Bulgaria AD

Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Financial services

Web Trade Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Software platforms development

Ventura Novatics Ltd.

Sector: Publishing activity, Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development, Furniture manufacturing, Consulting, Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, innovation
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: E-Procurement

Gatelink Ltd. Bulgaria

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development, innovation
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Cybersecurity and Information security software. System administration and management tools.

Modis Bulgaria

Sector: Information technology activities, innovation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Software Engineering; Cloud Solutions; Digital Transformation; Outsourcing Solutions;

EcoBoom PLtd.

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Вино и ракия

Prosperamo Group LTD /ExpandX/

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Consulting, Real estate
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Web, digital, marketing and IT products/services


Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: essential oils, bee products, food and feed supplements


Sector: Production of clothing
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: fashion

Maison Tangrine

Sector: Production of clothing
Main activity: trade
Product/service: HIgh quality garments from 100% linen

Dori Lux LTD

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Perfumery and cosmetics

Bella Bulgaria SA

Sector: Food production, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Chilled and frozen meat and pastry products, Margarines

Институт по роботика на БАН

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Quantum technologies


Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production
Product/service: ДИВАНИ

Belle Estates

Sector: Real estate
Main activity: services
Product/service: Brokerage


Sector: Manufacture of chemical products
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Innovative caotings and paints

Аут2Баунд ООД

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Агенция по продажби за технологични компании


Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Оборудване за търговски обекти

ITIDO Technologies LTD

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Product software development

Human Capital Store

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: HR

Cardinal Bites OOD

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Protein Bites with no added sugar


Sector: Food production, Consulting, Real estate
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services, Management ,marketing and consulting about Bulgarian market
Product/service: snacs


Sector: Food production
Main activity: trade

Pro Smart AD

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Smart IoT controllers, Software development

Barin Sports AD

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Research and development
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Electronic performance tracking system for professional athletes

Българска агенция за експортно застраховане ЕАД

Sector: Activities auxiliary to financial services and Insurance
Main activity: services
Product/service: insurance

iKEN Ltd.

Sector: Telecommunications, Information technology activities
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Smart systems for banks, retails and warehouses, industrial, buildings and hospitals

ABC Innovations Ltd.

Sector: Research and development, Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: technology transfer, consulatncy srevices in innovation's development and implementations

NIT-New Internet Technologies LTD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services, distribution
Product/service: eLearning, LMS, rapid learning

Business Day Ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: outsource marketing services

Newtrend Agency

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Marketing, Business Developmen, Business Clinic

CMYK Ingredients JSC

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: Innovative food ingredients

Step-Soft Alliance EOOD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Development and Implementation of Business Management Systems

SoCyber Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Security testing / Penetration Testing

Apparel Services

Sector: Production of clothing
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: Kids clothing, CAD/CAM services

RISK Electronics

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: IoT


Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Cosmetic, disinfection, cleaning, technical, automotive and sanitary products.

The Collins Group

Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance
Main activity: financial services
Product/service: financial services

Kontrax JSC

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Information technology activities, Defence
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: System integration, software development, design and production of Unmanned Aerial Systems

VVV Consulting Ltd

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Consulting services

Кей Би Ем Трейдинг ЕООД

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Образователни продукти

Micar Innovation (Micar21)

Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Research and development
Main activity: services, Research and Development and Innovation
Product/service: Drug Discovery


Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Производство на козметични продукти


Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Consultancy services, recruitment

IP Taxi

Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Transfers & tours services


Sector: Information technology activities, Research and development
Main activity: production, services, distribution
Product/service: Tinusaur - Educational STEM platform

Vienna Real Estate EAD

Sector: Real estate
Main activity: services
Product/service: Lease


Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Digital Marketing

Eastlink Bulgaria Ltd.

Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: distribution, trade
Product/service: износ на храни, напитки, инвестиции в България в медицински изделия, лекарства

NewTech BT Ltd

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: System Integration, installation and maintanance of information technology systems

Escape-Group Ltd

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: консервирани храни

Predistic OOD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Universal IoT platform for automation, automotive, logistics, GRASS - smart farming solution,

Top 100 Analytics Ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Automated Marketing Research and media monitoring process

FTS Bulgaria

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: IT Services


Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: UX/UI дизайн

Gama Organica Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: manufacturing of organic home cleaning products

Cluster Aero-Space Technologies, Research and Applications (CASTRA)

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose, Manufacture of vehicles, except automobiles, Information technology activities, Research and development, Manufacture not elsewhere classified, NGO, Association
Main activity: production, distribution, services, contract R&D&
Product/service: NA


Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production
Product/service: Еxpozy

NV Health LTD

Sector: Manufacture of beverages
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Tea sticks - чаени стикове

Trend Management PLtd.

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services, translation services
Product/service: translation and interpretation services


Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Nutraceuticals


Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: cloud services, RFID technology for warehouse management

Tom Media Ltd

Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing, Radio and television activity, Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Broadcast, streaming

А Дейта Про

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Медиен мониторинг&анализ, Агрегиране&обогатяване на данни, Услуги,свързани с риска&съответствието

BGService Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Development and implementation of software systems. Manufacture, and maintenance of IT systems.

A21 Consulting Ltd.

Sector: Information services, innovation, start up
Main activity: services
Product/service: Outsourcing

VAN Computers Ltd

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: LAN (active equipment) - project, delivery, installation, configuration and support

Мултиплекс ЕООД

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: телеконумикационно оборудване

Internet Reklama Varna 2016 LTD

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Информационни услуги

DD Ltd.

Sector: Food production, Manufacture of beverages, Production of grape wines, Production of other fermented beverages, Real estate, multiple sectors
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Investment Design; Construction Supervision; Geodesy; Manufacturing

Gerada Ltd

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: Преработка
Product/service: bee honey

360 Consult

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Consulting
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: IT Services

Large Infrastructure Projects LLC

Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Infrastructure developer - motorways, ports, railways

ZD Nutrition Ltd

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Hair oil product


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business consulting, analysis, project management

NK Cosmetics Developments LTD

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: Full range of color cosmetics private label manufacturer

Lemon Trade Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Web development


Sector: Manufacture of chemical products
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: cosmetic

Organic Superfoods Ltd

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Organic natural products


Sector: Publishing activity, Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Software development and consultancy. Industrial marketing and communications.

Inoxsys Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production
Product/service: Manufacturing of tanks, vessels and equipment from stainless steel. Turn-key projects

Invent Projects

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business Intelligence

Balkan Invest Consult

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: investment projects

Bio Stopanstvo Lopyanko Ltd.

Sector: start up
Main activity: production
Product/service: Textile, probiotocs, food and drinks