Международна конференция „Финансова и инвестиционна подкрепа за МСП - Sofia International Money Expo“ (SIM EXPO 2024)

Международна конференция „Финансова и инвестиционна подкрепа за МСП - Sofia International Money Expo“ (SIM EXPO 2024)






зала „Средец“ на хотел „София Балкан Палас“ (бивш хотел „Шератон“), гр. София

зала „Средец“ на хотел „София Балкан Палас“ (бивш хотел „Шератон“), гр. София

Description of the event

Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия (ИАНМСП), съвместно с Българска търговско-промишлена палата (БТПП) и Съветът по инвестиции към БТПП, в партньорство със Столична община, организират V-то издание на Международната конференция „Финансова и инвестиционна подкрепа за МСП - Sofia International Money Expo“ (SIM EXPO 2024) под мотото „София – Регионален финансов хъб“, която ще се проведе на 08 - 09 октомври 2024 г., зала „Средец“ на хотел „София Балкан Палас“ (бивш хотел „Шератон“), гр. София.

Целта на събитието е да предостави на представителите на МСП полезна информация за възможностите за развитие на бизнеса чрез използването на различни финансови и инвестиционни инструменти. В рамките на конференцията, финансиращи институции, инвестиционни и гаранционни фондове и инвеститори ще представят своите продукти в подкрепа на предприятията.

По време на събитието, в рамките на контактна борса, на представителите на бизнеса ще е осигурена  възможност за диалог и двустранни срещи с финансиращите институции.

Основните теми в програмата на конференцията включват:

  • Европейски програми за финансиране на МСП;
  • Програми за европейско трансгранично сътрудничество;
  • Възможности за финансиране на МСП и управление на паричните потоци;
  • Дялово инвестиране в подкрепа растежа на бизнеса;
  • София като регионален инвестиционен хъб;
  • Развитие на институционалното инвестиране в България и очаквания в бъдеще;
  • Гаранционни и финансови инструменти в подкрепа на бизнеса;
  • Промени в икономическата среда с цел стимулиране на преки инвестиции;
  • Финансови, застрахователни и гаранционни инструменти в подкрепа на експорта.

В конференцията ще вземат участие представители на Министерство на иновациите и растежа, Министерство на икономиката и индустрията, Столична община, представителството на Европейска Инвестиционна Банка в България, Банка за развитие на Съвета на Европа, Европейски инвестиционен фонд, Фонда на Европейския иновационен съвет, Фонд на фондовете, банки, фондове, финансови институции и др.

С настоящото имам удоволствието да Ви поканя да вземете участие в предстоящата V-та Международна конференция „Финансова и инвестиционна подкрепа за МСП - Sofia International Money Expo“ (SIM EXPO 2024) под мотото „София – Регионален финансов хъб“, която ще се проведе на 8-ми и 9-ти октомври 2024 г., в зала „Средец“ на хотел „София Балкан Палас“ (бивш хотел „Шератон“), гр. София.  

При проявен интерес следва да бъде направена регистрация на профила на събитието на платформата www.b2bconnect.bg в срок до 2 октомври 2024 г.

За контакт и допълнителна информация:

Томислав Атанасов - тел. 02 940 79 83 и e-mail: t.atanasov@sme.government.bg

Маргарита Дамянова, БТПП - тел. 02 8117 477, 02 8117 519 и e-mail: fairs1@bcci.bg; bcci.centre@bcci.bg;

Участието в събитието е безплатно и се организира в изпълнение на дейност Дейност 7 „Организиране и провеждане на бизнес форуми, конференции, контактни борси и други бизнес събития с двустранни срещи или нетуъркинг между български и чуждестранни фирми в страната“ по проект BG16RFPR001-1.002-0001 „Реализация на мерки за интернационализация на българските МСП чрез подкрепа дейността на Изпълнителна агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия (ИАНМСП)“, по Програма „Конкурентоспособност и иновации в предприятията“ 2021-2027, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския фонд за регионално развитие.


  • multiple sectors


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Приос Компетанс

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development, innovation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Обучения за възрастни, бизнес консултации, софтуер



Sector: Association
Main activity: distribution, trade, services, BRCC is an association of companies interested to develop business in Romania and Bulgaria.
Product/service: Market research; Client search and matchmaking; Marketing and promotion; Administrative services

Plane-Care Ltd

Sector: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Main activity: services
Product/service: Overhaul and hydrostatic tests bottles for Aviation


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Real estate, innovation, start up
Main activity: services
Product/service: Real Estate Software


Sector: Food production, Consulting, Real estate
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services, Management ,marketing and consulting about Bulgarian market
Product/service: snacs

RiskRydr LLC

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Decision engine

Atlant Security

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Cybersecurity consulting

EduAge LTD

Sector: Consulting, multiple sectors
Main activity: services
Product/service: Програми за управление на персонал и вътрешно кариерно ориентиране

Global Expert Consult BG Ltd.

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Consulting on identification, development and management if projects

Studio Carbon Operations Ltd.

Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Custom furniture for business clients

Кей Би Ем Трейдинг ЕООД

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Образователни продукти


Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Heat recovery ventilation, Air Handling units, HVAC products

Cardinal Bites OOD

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Protein Bites with no added sugar

Osmak EU LTD

Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose, Manufacture of vehicles, except automobiles, Manufacture of beverages, Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials, Manufacture of paper and paperboard and of articles of paper and paperboard, Manufacture of rubber and plastic products, Manufacture of other non - metallic mineral products
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Conveir and detail


Sector: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Main activity: production
Product/service: cladding facade systems

Fintech Assistent LLC

Sector: Information technology activities, Activities auxiliary to financial services and Insurance, Bank sector/financial services, innovation, start up
Main activity: services

Бизнес Навигатор

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Информация

Formatech 22 Ltd

Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Interior design and furniture production


Sector: Food production, Manufacture of beverages
Main activity: production, trade

Tom Media Ltd

Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing, Radio and television activity, Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Broadcast, streaming


Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Energy / Power generation
Main activity: production, trade, distribution, services
Product/service: pharmaceutical products and food suppliments

Eastlink Bulgaria Ltd.

Sector: Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: distribution, trade
Product/service: износ на храни, напитки, инвестиции в България в медицински изделия, лекарства

Business Day Ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: outsource marketing services

IC Ltd.

Sector: multiple sectors
Main activity: production, trade

SQA Service Ltd.

Sector: Telecommunications, Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Software QA services


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Software services and games creation

It St Technology Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services

Lemon Trade Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Web development


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services, EDUCATION
Product/service: proekti


Sector: Consulting, innovation
Main activity: distribution, services, production
Product/service: consulting and engineering services;


Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production, trade, Production on furniture and advertising equipment services
Product/service: Furniture, POS Displays, Pop up stores.

University of National and World Economy - Sofia

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Education

The Collins Group

Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance
Main activity: financial services
Product/service: financial services

Sveta Varvara Medical Center

Sector: Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: services


Sector: start up
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Jewelry

Lifeholic Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture of beverages, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Natural Fine Carbonated Soft Drinks with Herbs - LifeHolic

Bastun Media Ltd

Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing, Research and development
Main activity: services, Research and development
Product/service: Photo,cinema ,TV products and digitization and restoration of Audiovisual Archives


Sector: Activities auxiliary to financial services and Insurance
Main activity: services

Webtact LTD

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Web Develop, SMM, PPC, Copyright and PR, SEO and more.


Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Factoring

Georgiev&Petrov Law Firm

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services

Tripco Ltd

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: distribution, services

HIRON - Management Consulting

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Услуги и проекти по управление, инвестиции, бизнес развитие и грантови схеми


Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Credits

TEAM INTELLECT - neviana Boumbarova ET

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services, Innovation Management production
Product/service: Development of new products/services under customs; requirements.

Assa & Co

Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel, Production of clothing
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Silk scarves

SDM Group Ltd.

Sector: Food production
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Walnuts inshell and kernels

Realmet MCC Innovation Group Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production
Product/service: roll on off containers

Serdika - national consultants Ltd.

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Project management

Inox Engeneering PSP Pltd

Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production

2357 Steps Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution

Grainis ltd. Hydrogen Bulgaria

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: scientific R&D - green technologies for low-cost production of hydrogen, biofuels, foods, materials
Product/service: green-deal.alle.bg , biomass-en.alle.bg , ofomobile.alle.bg , green-trillion.alle.bg

Human Capital Store

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: HR

Point L- Bulgaria Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production

DIVAS Solutions EOOD

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Quality and Food Safety. Optimisations and trainings.

Digital Innovation hub Trakia

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: cybersecurity

Нике груп АД

Sector: Manufacture of beverages
Main activity: production
Product/service: безалкохолни напитки с билков екстракт, без захар и консерванти


Sector: Information technology activities, innovation, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: services, Software development, IT solutions, ERP Systems, Web based business optimisation systems
Product/service: Software for Property managment Travel and touroperators solutions ERP WMS CRM

O & K co.

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: production, trade, services, Unmanned aerial vehicle


Sector: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Main activity: production
Product/service: Fire resistant and smoke ducts- NEK SMOKE AND HEAT 120

Global concept 3 Ltd

Sector: innovation
Main activity: special equipment and furniture
Product/service: flying furniture, pendent balustrades, green solutions, net protect, partition walls


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development, NGO, Cluster, Consulting, innovation, start up
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: PR, modern marketing, business development, new markets, business exist, sale of assets


Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: sunflower high and low protein meal

Евроконсулт - Цветан Цонев

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Консултански услуги

Gourmoli Ltd

Sector: Food production, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Organic Cold-presed oils, Nut and seed flours, Honey with rose oil and others

FCB Consult LTD

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: distribution, trade, services

Smartcom-Bulgaria AD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services

Bulgarian business leaders forum

Sector: Association
Main activity: НПО
Product/service: Срещи на бизнеса с правителство и общество

Sells Spot EOOD

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Outsourced sales and marketing services and ICT platforms


Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products
Main activity: production, trade, distribution
Product/service: производство на еднократни превързочни комплекти


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: foam glass, project development and management

Cluster Aero-Space Technologies, Research and Applications (CASTRA)

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose, Manufacture of vehicles, except automobiles, Information technology activities, Research and development, Manufacture not elsewhere classified, NGO, Association
Main activity: production, distribution, services, contract R&D&
Product/service: NA

Bright Stock LTD

Sector: Manufacture of paper and paperboard and of articles of paper and paperboard, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Transport, logistics and dispensation, innovation, start up
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Eco Packaging Solutions

payware LLC

Sector: Bank sector/financial services, start up
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: payments initiation methods

Advanced Management Consulting Ltd.

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: Consulting
Product/service: Consulting in financial field

Entersoft Bulgaria

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services, IT
Product/service: www.entersoft.bg

Elixir Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of beverages, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, innovation, start up
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: The first 100% Natural drink for PRODUCTIVITY and FOCUS, no added sugar and no preservatives

Gama Organica Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: manufacturing of organic home cleaning products


Sector: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Main activity: production


Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Accounting services and tax consulting


Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing
Main activity: services
Product/service: ● информиране и публичност