Бизнес делегация, съпровождаща Президента на Република България в рамките на негово работно посещение в Република Сингапур и държавно посещение в Социалистическа Република Виетнам

Бизнес делегация, съпровождаща Президента на Република България в рамките на негово работно посещение в Република Сингапур и държавно посещение в Социалистическа Република Виетнам






Република Сингапур и Социалистическа Република Виетнам

Република Сингапур и Социалистическа Република Виетнам

Description of the event

В периода 21-28 ноември 2024 г., Президентът на Република България, г-н Румен Радев, ще осъществи работно посещение в Република Сингапур и държавно посещение в Социалистическа Република Виетнам. В рамките на визитата се предвижда той да бъде придружен от представители на българския бизнес, като е договорено провеждането на бизнес форуми с двустранни срещи в двете държави.

Във връзка с гореизложеното, Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия сформира бизнес делегация с представители на български компании от следните сектори от взаимен интерес: високи технологии и информационни и комуникационни технологии (ИКТ), изкуствен интелект и космически технологии, автомобилостроене (аутомотив), фармацевтична химия, биотехнологии и отбранителна индустрия.

 Желаещите да се включат български компании е необходимо да се регистрират най-късно до 31.10.2024 г. на профила на събитието на платформата https://www.b2bconnect.bg/. След уточняване на готовността за участие на представителите на бизнеса от страна на Сингапур и Виетнам ще бъдат предоставени допълнителни детайли за мероприятието и ще бъдат определени фирмите, които ще придружат държавния глава.

Допълнителна информация може да получите от Светла Запрянова, началник на отдел „Международни прояви и сътрудничество“ на тел: 02/940 79 75 и е-mail: s.zapryanova@sme.government.bg

Организацията по пътуването на бизнес делегацията, включително съдействие при настаняване, вътрешни трансфери и участие в бизнес форумите с двустранни срещи се осъществява от ИАНМСП, със съдействието на Администрацията на Президента и българските посолства в Република Сингапур и Социалистическа Република Виетнам.

Пътуването ще се осъществи с чартърен полет на Авиоотряд 28, като всички разходи, свързани с хотелското настаняване, вътрешен транспорт, застраховка и дневни на командированите лица, са за сметка на участниците. На членовете на бизнес делегацията ще бъде изпратена допълнително информация с финансовите параметри и подробна програма на посещението.


  • multiple sectors


Kyashif Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Main activity: production

Rudmetal Trade Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: distribution, services
Product/service: Touristic services and hotel accomodation

Power Partner Solutions Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business software solutions - ERP SAP S/4 HANA; CX and BI Solutions


Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment, Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Electrical contacts MV and HV sector; mechanical precise details

Нике груп АД

Sector: Manufacture of beverages
Main activity: production
Product/service: безалкохолни напитки с билков екстракт, без захар и консерванти

Pontica Solutions

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Outsourcing

Kontrax JSC

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Information technology activities, Defence
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: System integration, software development, design and production of Unmanned Aerial Systems

VVV consulting LTD

Sector: Information services, Research and development, Consulting, Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance, innovation, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: services, distribution, trade
Product/service: Informative and consulting services


Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: trade, services, sea, air and land transport
Product/service: sea, air and land transport


Sector: Information services
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Internet of Things, Process Orchestration

The Collins Group

Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance
Main activity: financial services
Product/service: financial services

Association for social support and development and business realization of the personality Diona

Sector: Research and development, Food production, NGO, Consulting, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services, production of food products; NGO; tourism
Product/service: production of food products; NGO; tourism; trade

Audax Ltd

Sector: innovation, start up, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Investment Capital


Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: International transfers, QR payment, issuing card, Investment - Stocks, dematerialized gold

iiS International Information Systems Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: maintenance and improvement of modern IT solutions for state administration and municipalities


Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing
Main activity: services
Product/service: ● информиране и публичност

Integrator JSC

Sector: Information technology activities, innovation, start up, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: services
Product/service: AI-driven workforce automation

Kuminiano fruit EOOD

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Processing of cherries and dried plums


Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment, Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose, Research and development, Repair and installation of machinery and equipment, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, innovation, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: production, trade, services, Design and manufacture of electric motors, electric machines, tools, trade
Product/service: Design and manufacture of electric motors, electric machines, tools, trade

G & G Farm Ltd

Sector: Food production, innovation
Main activity: production

BulTechnoTrade Ltd.

Sector: Research and development, Defence, Space research
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Trade in civil and military goods, R&D, training, cooperation with scientific organizations

G Global Marketing Ltd

Sector: Information technology activities, Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Digital telemedicine service for personalized nutrition and health monitoring with A.I.

Internet Bulgaria Jsc

Sector: Information technology activities, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: trade, services

Смарт Тех Системс

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: Development, Implementation and Support of IT products and services for Retail, F&B and Hospitality.


Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production
Product/service: Servers, Desktop computers

MTG Dolphin

Sector: Manufacture of vehicles, except automobiles
Main activity: production

Sveta Varvara Medical Center

Sector: Research and development, innovation, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: services
Product/service: Healthcare

Innova BM Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, innovation
Main activity: production
Product/service: plant in vitro culture as raw material for pharmacy, supplements and cosmetics


Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: digital platforms for transformation of the financial and public sector

International Aviation Services Consulting Ltd.

Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: services
Product/service: aviation consulting services

Арома вълна

Sector: Information services
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Cosmetics

Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Sector: NGO, Consulting
Main activity: Association


Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment, Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose, Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Repair and supply of electrical equipment, construction of photovoltaic plants

Ground Solutions Group AD

Sector: Information technology activities, innovation, start up
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Energy & Resource management software

AmonRa Energy JSC

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified, Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Supply and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants/installations.

Аутомотив клъстер

Sector: NGO
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: НПО


Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: IIT

RISK Electronics

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: IoT

PH Europe Ltd.

Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: services
Product/service: Logistic of special chemicals. Rentals of stainless steel IBCs.

Media Advisors Ltd.

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: IP diagnostics, Comersialization

Elfeya Cosmetics

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: Cosmetics

Eastlink Bulgaria Ltd.

Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery, innovation, Artificial intelligence /AI/
Main activity: distribution, trade, services


Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: trade, services, distribution
Product/service: Facility management systems, IoT platforms for monitoring and control of the indoor air quality

KINTEX Share Holding Company

Sector: Defence
Main activity: trade