Sofia International Money Expo (SIM EXPO 2022)

Sofia International Money Expo (SIM EXPO 2022)






Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia

Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia

Description of the event


  • multiple sectors
  • Bank sector/financial services


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Levanta Business Group ltd.

Sector: Consulting, Real estate, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: real estate services, commercial services, consulting,

Ministry of commerce & Industries of Somalia

Sector: Government
Main activity: services
Product/service: Service


Donanobile EOOD

Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel
Main activity: production
Product/service: Аксесоари за облеклото

Anadar Print

Sector: Manufacture of paper and paperboard and of articles of paper and paperboard
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Production of boxes, cartons and tubes. Archive boxes. Binding with hard or soft covers.


Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, trade, ТЪРГОВИЯ НА ЕДРО С ЛЕКАРСТВЕНИ ПРОДУКТИ

АРТЕ.ДОК ЕООД - Езикови преводи

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Language services

Rudmetal Trade Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: distribution, services
Product/service: Touristic services and hotel accomodation

BGService Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Development and implementation of software systems. Manufacture, and maintenance of IT systems.

Stretchers Industries OOD

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Medical equipement; isolation systems


Sector: Telecommunications, Information technology activities
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Mobile satcom systems; Innovative tehcnologies for transport systmes

Tombou Bulgaria Ltd

Sector: Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: services
Product/service: Social services

IA Imoti Ltd

Sector: Real estate
Main activity: services
Product/service: Real Estate Consultancy

DD Ltd.

Sector: Food production, Manufacture of beverages, Production of grape wines, Production of other fermented beverages, Real estate, multiple sectors
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Investment Design; Construction Supervision; Geodesy; Manufacturing

Арома вълна

Sector: Information services
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Cosmetics

Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Sector: Government
Main activity: services
Product/service: N/A


Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Nutraceuticals

Gama Organica Ltd

Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: manufacturing of organic home cleaning products

Georgiev and Petrov Law Firm

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Legal Services in multiple areas

Cantarelli LTD

Sector: Production of clothing, Consulting
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: made to measure suits


Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, distribution
Product/service: meatball products

Eimpo LLC

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: IT services

Next-Gen-BIoTech EDIH

Sector: Research and development
Main activity: facilitator bringing together industry, business, researchers and local administrations
Product/service: solutions for digital transformation in the bioeconomy, through digital biotechnology

Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - KRIB

Sector: NGO
Main activity: other
Product/service: services

Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD

Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Банкови услуги

Agromed SLLC.

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Research and development, innovation, Energy / Power generation
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Renewables optimization and balancing of the energy to the power grids


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Real estate, innovation, start up
Main activity: services
Product/service: Real Estate Software

Биотехнологичен и Здравен Клъстер

Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Research and development, Cluster
Main activity: services
Product/service: Biotech, digital health, AI

GluckIT ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Support


Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production
Product/service: Еxpozy

Bio Stopanstvo Lopyanko Ltd.

Sector: start up
Main activity: production
Product/service: Textile, probiotocs, food and drinks


Sector: Manufacture of chemical products, cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Cosmetic, disinfection, cleaning, technical, automotive and sanitary products.

Consulting Marketing Analytics

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: управление на човешките ресурси


Sector: Information technology activities, Information services
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: SMS, Viber, Whatsapp, e-commerce AI platform for higher revenue

Българска консултантска организация ЕООД

Sector: multiple sectors
Main activity: services
Product/service: консултантски

Евроконсулт - Цветан Цонев

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Консултански услуги


Sector: Production of clothing, Retail with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: CLOTHES


Sector: NGO
Main activity: TOURISM
Product/service: TOURISM


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services, EDUCATION
Product/service: proekti

PlayBox Technology Europe

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: subtitling and digital assets management for multimedia companies

Bullsoft Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: IT

Залле ЕООД

Sector: Transport, logistics and dispensation
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Транспорт посредничество, спедиция

Attorney at Law Nina Boteva

Sector: Legal and accounting activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Legal services

Roni Games

Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing, Information technology activities, Information services, Manufacture not elsewhere classified
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Web, Mobile, Desktop and VR/AR games and apps

Prosperamo Group LTD /ExpandX/

Sector: Information technology activities, Information services, Consulting, Real estate
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Web, digital, marketing and IT products/services

The Collins Group

Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance
Main activity: financial services
Product/service: financial services

Human Capital Store

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: HR


Sector: Information services
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Internet of Things, Process Orchestration

Cardinal Bites OOD

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Protein Bites with no added sugar

Вени Стил ООД

Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel, Production of clothing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Текстил


Sector: Food production, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: месо имесни продукти

Business Day Ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: outsource marketing services

Био Зет Лайн ЕООД

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: био десерти и снаксове

Top 100 Analytics Ltd.

Sector: Information services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Automated Marketing Research and media monitoring process

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Sector: NGO
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business Services

ЖН Фотос

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Information technology activities
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Photography

Financial Partners Services Ltd

Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance
Main activity: services
Product/service: Financial services, payroll, business innovation

iKEN Ltd.

Sector: Telecommunications, Information technology activities
Main activity: distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Smart systems for banks, retails and warehouses, industrial, buildings and hospitals

Софтгруп АД

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Продукти и услуги за сериализация и проследяване на продукти за фармацевтичните производители

Stamp&Go LTD

Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel, Production of clothing
Main activity: production, trade, services
Product/service: printing

СД Педагог 6 - Делев, Луизова и с-ие

Sector: Publishing activity
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: учебници и учебно-помощна литература

CI Bulgaria

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services, production
Product/service: information security


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Algae based products

Ню Ревитал ЕООД

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Муракол Протект

Barin Sports AD

Sector: Manufacture of computer and communication equipment, electronic and optical products, Research and development
Main activity: production, services
Product/service: Electronic performance tracking system for professional athletes

Биостайл ООД

Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Organic foods production, RnD services

Europack Bulgaria M EOOD

Sector: Manufacture of paper and paperboard and of articles of paper and paperboard
Main activity: production, distribution
Product/service: paper bags, wicket bags, minipackages, stone paper and products from stone paper


Sector: Production of clothing
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: fashion


Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading, Energy / Power generation
Main activity: production, trade, distribution, services
Product/service: pharmaceutical products and food suppliments


Sector: Information services, innovation, start up
Main activity: trade, distribution, services
Product/service: Индуструални машини и оборудване

Interiorprotect Ltd.

Sector: Manufacture of chemical products
Main activity: production, services, производство на продукти срещу пожар
Product/service: Flame retardants, manufacturing and services for fire protection


Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment
Main activity: production
Product/service: fuses, switches, insulators


Sector: Provision of financial services, except insurance and supplementary pension insurance, Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: microfinance
Product/service: microloans, loans to start-ups and social enterprises

Studio Carbon Operations Ltd.

Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Custom furniture for business clients

Lemon Trade Ltd.

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Web development


Sector: multiple sectors
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Събития Ресторантьорство Търговия Маркетинг

Predistic OOD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Universal IoT platform for automation, automotive, logistics, GRASS - smart farming solution,


Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: Financial instruments

Plane-Care Ltd

Sector: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Main activity: services
Product/service: Overhaul and hydrostatic tests bottles for Aviation

Midland EOOD

Sector: Wholesale and retail trade in cars and motorcycles, maintenance and repair
Main activity: trade
Product/service: Lubricants


Sector: NGO, Association
Main activity: services, nonprofit organization
Product/service: trainings


Sector: Production of clothing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Облекла


Sector: Manufacture of machinery and equipment, general and special purpose
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: Heat recovery ventilation, Air Handling units, HVAC products

HRS Recruitment Services

Sector: Association
Main activity: production
Product/service: Recruitment

Кеш Кредит Мобайл ЕАД

Sector: Bank sector/financial services
Main activity: services
Product/service: финансиране на микро и малки предприятия

Octa Light Bulgaria JSC

Sector: Manufacture of electrical equipment
Main activity: production, trade
Product/service: LED lights, Electronic manufacturing Services, Contract Electronic Manufacturing, LED luminaires


Sector: Research and development
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business consulting, analysis, project management

Formatech 22 Ltd

Sector: Furniture manufacturing
Main activity: production
Product/service: Interior design and furniture production


Sector: Manufacture of textiles and textile products, except apparel
Main activity: production
Product/service: production of textiles and textile products without workwear


Sector: Food production
Main activity: production
Product/service: Production of pretzel sticks and wheat flours

RCConsult Ltd.

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: -

Shoot The Pimple Ltd

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: SHIMANI Smart Skincare: our dermocosmetic brand

Micar Innovation (Micar21)

Sector: Production of medicinal substances and products, Research and development
Main activity: services, Research and Development and Innovation
Product/service: Drug Discovery

HIRON - Management Consulting

Sector: Consulting
Main activity: services
Product/service: Услуги и проекти по управление, инвестиции, бизнес развитие и грантови схеми

NV Health LTD

Sector: Manufacture of beverages
Main activity: production, distribution, trade
Product/service: Tea sticks - чаени стикове

Elfeya Cosmetics

Sector: cosmetics, essentials oils and perfumery
Main activity: production
Product/service: Cosmetics

eLando AD

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Technology consulting ► Software engineering

BUL Invoice

Sector: Wholesale with all goods, without auto trading and motorcycle trading
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: -

Tom Media Ltd

Sector: Film and television production, sound recording and music publishing, Radio and television activity, Information technology activities
Main activity: production, distribution, trade, services
Product/service: Broadcast, streaming


Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: trade, services
Product/service: Деловодни ИТ системи, билинг система

Invent Projects

Sector: Information technology activities
Main activity: services
Product/service: Business Intelligence