International Congress Center Burgas
International Congress Center Burgas
The Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency (BSMEPA), in collaboration with the Bulgarian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BULTISAD) and the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, is organizing the Third Business Forum "Strengthening Economic Ties between Bulgaria, Turkey, and Romania", which will include bilateral meetings. The forum will take place on March 14, 2025, in the city of Burgas.
This event is being held for the third time in Burgas, with the primary goal of boosting trade and economic relations between Bulgaria, Turkey, and Romania, and strengthening already established ties. Its annual occurrence provides an opportunity to deepen existing business partnerships and supports the exchange of best practices among companies from the three countries.
This year's edition expands its format, as representatives of Romanian companies from various economic sectors will also participate in the business forum. To foster regional connectivity and trade synergy, the inclusion of enterprises that are members of the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce will contribute to expanding the scope and opportunities for Bulgarian small and medium enterprises.
The preliminary program anticipates that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Innovation and Growth, Mr. Tomislav Donchev, will open the event with welcome speeches from officials to the participants. Various discussion panels will be held during the forum, featuring leading leaders in the fields of investment, e-commerce, logistics, development of economic trade relations in the Black Sea region, and other thematic areas. During the event, the "BreakingGrounds" initiative, which unites the efforts of business, media, and government in support of Bulgarian startups and tech companies, will also be presented, aiming to familiarize a wider audience with its main goals and expand development opportunities.
The main goal of the event is to facilitate business contacts, create conditions for mutually beneficial partnerships, and hold discussions on the challenges and opportunities to strengthen the local ecosystem, aiming for higher global competitiveness.
Guests and participants in the Business Forum "Strengthening Economic Ties between Bulgaria, Turkey, and Romania" will have the opportunity to learn about innovative business models for entrepreneurs and participate in informal business meetings, allowing them to exchange experiences and best practices for building strategic partnerships.
Companies interested in the business forum should register on the profile atwww.b2bconnect.bgby March 10, 2025.
Additional information can be obtained from Natalia Necheva at phone number 02 940 79 37 and from Asya Andreeva at phone number 02 940 79 36.
Participation in the IIIrd Business Forum "Strengthening Economic Ties between Bulgaria, Turkey, and Romania" in Burgas is free of charge and is organized under Project BG16RFPR001-1.002-0001 "Implementation of Measures for the Internationalization of Bulgarian SMEs by Supporting the Activities of the Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises" in implementation of Activity 7 "Organizing and Holding Business Forums, Conferences, Contact Exchanges and Other Business Events with Bilateral Meetings or Networking between Bulgarian and Foreign Companies in the Country," funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" Program 2021-2027, of which BSMEPA is the institutional beneficiary.